"The Monitor Test Page" (in progress)

This page is created to test CRT and LCD computer monitors.

"What monitor do I have ?"
A CRT monitor has a depth somewhat equal to the width, while a LCD monitor is very flat.

"Can I also test my TFT monitor on this ?"
Yes, LCD is (globally) the same as TFT.

Now, just follow the tests:

for CRT and LCD (with non-native resolution)

Purpose: testing stability and interpolation.
- The squares must not flicker or something like that.
- From a distance, all squares must be equally gray.

for CRT and LCD

Purpose: Checking if all grays are visible.
You should see four faint squares (the 5% very faint).
Usually you can adjust this on the monitor until you see all four squares.

for LCD only

Follow the line with you eyes. The line must be black/white and not blurred.
You can increase the speed to see when (or if at all) the line gets blurred.

for LCD only

First read, then click here to open the test in a full-screen window, and click anywhere to close it.
The color should be gray, and completely even.

for CRT only

First read, then click here to open the test in a popup-window.
In the popup, cover the screen with your hands, except for the area that keeps white.
The white should not change in brightness.
Also, the corners of the screen should not 'move'.

for CRT and LCD

There are no black lines in this image:

for CRT and LCD

Gradients. They must be smooth and still (be sure to check if your color settings are 32 bit and not 16!).
gradient1 gradient2

Last change: March 18, 2005
Created and © 2005 by Michiel de Boer

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